People with disabilities are people too. People with mobility problems, simple people, who move on a wheel chair. People with problems regarding their vision, people like everyone else who can see with the help of a white cane. People with hearing problems, simple every day people who can hear and communicate with others through sigh language. They are not different than anyone else, but due to their health problems, they have to satisfy their needs in a different way. However, in order to achieve this, they have to have environmental help. More or less, we all have the right to move to private and public spaces with comfort and safety. People with disabilities can help themselves and complete daily routines without the help of others. However, in order to be able to overcome several difficulties they have to be surrounded with proper infrastructures and facilities. Additionally, we all look for understanding, respect and love from the people around us.
Through this research, an attempt is made to emerge these people and their lifestyle. Firstly, we will get to know them, their individual needs and find a way to communicate with them equally. Joining what we have learned with the international design guidelines we could understand the importance of keeping each regulation, aimed at serving people with disabilities. Ramps and guiding tiles for blind people are very important to them. When we park a car on a ramp or blocking their route with several hurdles, we cause barriers and difficulties regarding their everyday life. Finally, we will realize the obstacles we may unintentionally create and we will respect them and treat them as we would like to be treated.