At the time the phrase "everything is within" is investing the political imaginary, what is the course of action of the monster? What is the monster against a taxonomy power pretending to be universal? If the monster is the unsorted being, represented inside the
topology of taxonomy, isn't the universality of the system automatically disputed? How does the living excess takes place as a form of life? What does this life take place beyond the individual biological body?
Introducing the perspective of productive power, the shapes, the tools and the technologies, around what Foucault described as a discipline, are updated, propose a shift from the disciplinary to the taxonomy topologies. In this updated case, the topologies concern relation packages, aiming at multiplying the mere sum of their forces.
Another aspect to point out is that, despite the desire of the taxonomy mechanism for universality, as a result, there is always an excess. In the case of the classification of life, this excess is double; an excess as a weakness of the mechanism and another one as a feature of life which can not be captured entirely.
To sum up, through a series of notes intending to map out the mechanism, we will try to observe discontinuities. Thus, we will highlight areas where the unclassified material is living in and can be recombined into forms of life. We can call these forms of life
monsters, at the time the mechanism captures them. If monsters want to become anything else but fuel, they have to act.