Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Workshop Exhibition: "a Life in Eutopia"

The exhibition of works created for the needs of the TANGLE POCKETS / a life in Eutopia workshop held in Tuscany-Italy will be inaugurated in the ‘’Enallax’’ exhibition and events hall (opposite to the University’s main library building at Volos), at the city of Volos, Tuesday 27th of May and it will be open for a week. The content of this exhibition is the presentation of the projects of the students of the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly. Additionally, a sequence of idiosyncratic photographs commending the Nature, the communal life episodes, the working patterns, the life into the rooms, the short crossings into the nearby geography, the voyages to the sea and the land, the personal archives and the off limit behaviour will be the vital surplus of the event.   

Scientific Director: Iordanis Stylidis

Location / Time
Friday 26 April 2013Thursday 2 May 2013, 27/4-1/5 2013.
Institute for Environmental Education,E.N.A.O.L.I., GROSSETO, Tuscany, Italy.
Organization for the Environment LEGAMBIENTE.

The last seven years there have been 9 regional, international and multinational documentation and design workshops. These workshops, as the one scheduled to be active in Tuscany-Italy, were based on the experimental verification by empirical means, of the validity of sympiosis in eutopia’s constitutional space and time terms (living and acting together into a communal pocket). The workshops are always triggered by an invitation held to the director and the team by a community or an organization (in this case the Italian Environmental Organization LEGAMBIENTE). The group, already into a new un-explored place and a unique landscape, will dedicate each and every activity (lectures, field reconnaissance, designs, texts, common long discussions) or means to effectively deal with a given spatial question. Thus, every member is becoming the vital unit of a team working process aiming to reach a result, combining the personal ability with the communal or general meditative need, interpreting and correlating with locus, landscape, cultural syntax and stereotypes attempt to gain any and all empirical data of eutopia (...a term been given by Lewis Mamford in his epic book : The history of Utopias)