Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
The Time of the City

Panayotis Pangalos
The Time of the City
7/11/2012 21/11/2012, 21:00, Volos, Department of Architecture

Panayotis Pangalos (Athens, 1972), Architect, Architectural Historian, Ph.D., Adjunct Lecturer of the Department of Architecture University of Patras (2008-2012). Assistant Professor (on contract) to the Department of Building Restoration and Renovation of the Technical Institution of Patras (2009- ). Cooperative Educational Professor in History of Arts of the European Culture Studies unit at the Hellenic Open University (2009- ). Member of the International Laboratory of Urban Design Villard tutorial group. Member of the Hellenic Institute of Architecture. Member of the Hellenic Society of Aesthetics. Member of the Higher Institutes Graduate Architects Association (SADAS-PEA). Founding Member (1992) of the cultural Cooperative Society of Western Crete “Notos”. Member of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN). He has won awards in international architectural competitions. He has participated as a keynote speaker in international conferences and as an invited keynote speaker in international meetings and post-graduate programs, he has published chapters in books, researches and articles on the contemporary history of architecture in Greek and international journals with scientific committees, in proceedings of international conferences and collective volumes. RECENT BOOKS: The significance of time in contemporary architecture, Gutenberg editions, Athens, 2011 The significance of time in architecture of Aldo Rossi, Gutenberg editions, Athens, 2012.