Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Workshop: Spatial Questions, Lakonia Highlands

Iordanis Stylidis, Assistand Professor, Department of Architecture, Thessaly University.

Saturday 25 August till Friday 31 August, 2012.
Community of Vassara, Municipality of Vassaras, Lakonia Highlands, Parnon mountain.

The last seven years there have been 9 regional, international and multinational documentation and design workshops. These workshops were based on the experimental verification, by empirical means, of the validity of symbiosis (leaving and acting together into a communal environment). 

The workshops are triggered by an invitation held by a community in the Greek periphery. The group of students and professors (already into a new un-explored place and a unique landscape) dedicate each and every activity (lectures, field reconnaissance, designs, texts) or means to effectively deal with a given spatial question. Thus, every member is becoming the vital unit of a team working process aiming to reach a result, combining the personal ability with the communal need, interpreting and correlating with locus, landscape, cultural syntax and stereotypes… an attempt to verify a memorandum defining Eutopia (…a term been given by Luis Mamford in his epic book : The history of Utopias.)

The workshop is open to undergraduate students in the last years of their studies, to graduate students and to young architects (who have graduated in the last five years). Participants, 12 in total, will be selected on CV / portfolio basis.

The team will be host at the community of Vassaras. Participation price 80e.

Send the application to till late June.