Arch.Uth Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Postgraduate Course Arch.Uth Ελληνικά
Lecture by Luigi Stendardo and Luigi Siviero: UNIVERCITY _ Urban Shapes and Critical Spaces in Today’s City

On Tuesday 21/11/217 at 18.30 in Room B will take place the lecture by Prof. Luigi Stendardo and Prof. Luigi Siviero from the University of Padua (Italy) with title “UNIVERCITY _ Urban Shapes and Critical Spaces in Today’s City“ for the course Architectural Design III-V: Confrontation and Coexistence.

DeeP _ Designing the Extensively Enhancing Padova
Luigi Stendardo

This talk deals with the interpretation of urban complexity of contemporary western cities, starting from the case study of the sub/peri-urban areas of Padova, which bear paradigmatic features, and developing roundbreaking interpretative paradigms as well as non-conventional methodological approaches to the design of urban outskirts and sub/peri-urban areas.

The main focus is on the forms and spaces of the contemporary city, which are marginal, non-designed, abandoned, neglected, disused, rejected, refused: those spaces that are unacknowledged by the people, since no feeling of belonging arises towards them.

The formal and spatial potential of this critical areas must be acknowledged, in order to cope with the challenge issued by the contemporary urban aspiration to increasing the fluxes, supplying equipment and facilities, enhancing technologies, providing growth chances, in order to activate productive dynamics, where citizens, stakeholders and investors can settle a positive network.

The main methodological tool is made of open source projects, meant as series of actions aiming to accumulate a high knowledge of the case studies and to configure possible future scenarios for the transformation of the city.

The main case studies are located in the outskirts of Padova, with a focus on the North-Eastern district, which is likely to undergo remarkable transformations in the next future, and presents features that are paradigmatic of contemporary western cities.


DATA _ Developing Abandoned Transurban Areas
Luigi Siviero

The amount of built and unbuilt areas, which are now abandoned, underused or in decommission, is progressively increasing. This problem has now grown to a critical size. We can no longer afford this waste. Land is a more and more meagre resource.

This problem affects each one of us: citizens, administrators, stakeholders, investors, producers, companies...

This is happening now, though it started long ago, it is going to get quickly worse if we don't act right now.

This is happening here in our territory, where it is more and more difficult to tell the city apart from the country side, and especially in those areas, which were once considered facilities serving urban centres: outside the historical city borders, along the railway lines or the main ring roads, in the industrial fabric sprawled through the suburbs.

This project deals with the west peri-urban area of Padova, along Chiesanuova road.

We’re going to design transformation scenarios, and to do this we need several skills, an effective local partners network, suitable technologies and resources. Our work provides open source knowledge, casts glances towards possible futures, fosters awareness and democratic participation of citizens and communities, creates chances for investors and stakeholders, provides support for administrators and improves territorial governance.



Luigi Stendardo (Napoli IT, 30.04.1965), PhD in Architectural Design, is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, at the University of Padova [UniPD], Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering [DICEA], since 2011. He leads RELOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design at DICEA. Member of the Teaching Board and Supervisor at the PhD Programme in ‘Architecture and Construction’ [DRACO] at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Member of HIT_Human Inspired Technology Research Centre and of the Interdepartmental Research Centre  ‘Centre of Idrology Dino Tonini’ at UniPD. Professor (formerly Director) at the Master in ‘Architectural and Landscape Psychology’ at UniPD, Professor at the Master in ‘GIScience and Unmanned System for the Integrated Management of the Territory and the Natural Resources’ and at the Master in ‘Forms of Contemporary Housing’ at UniPD. Member of the Scientific Board and Professor of the Advanced Courses in ‘Engineering for Cultural Heritage’ and ‘Engineering for Archaeology’ at the University of Naples ‘Federico II’. Coordinator of the UniPD Research Team in the Red PHI (Patrimonio Histórico+Cultural Iberoamericano) Italia. MArch (University of Napoli ‘Federico II’, 1991). PhD (Architectural Design, University of Palermo, 1997). He has been teaching in several Italian and foreign Universities and has been a lecturer and instructor at International seminars and workshops. He carries out research projects in the fields of architectural, urban and landscape design as well as of transformation/preservation of ancient and modern built heritage.


Luigi Siviero (Parma IT, 09.08.1974), PhD in Architectural Design, is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, at the University of Padova [UniPD], Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering [DICEA], since 2011. MArch (Università IUAV di Venezia). PhD (Environmental Engineering, University of Trento). His professional and academic research interests are about architectural strategies on the relationship between urban facilities, infrastructures and landscape. He has recently been carrying out research projects on the relationship between landscape and roads, at different scales, verifying theoretical speculations through several design workshops, seminars, conferences and professional practice.