Today the problem of immigration is a topic that creates debates and objection, both to well-established societies and cities, who find themselves having to deal with the problem after a long time.
As happened many times during the antiquity, unexpected waves of migration put Europe in crisis: the first millennium after Christ was an era of great "globalization". History sometimes teaches us that, where the integration of refugees has become a virtue, there has been a cultural growth of society, while where a repressive policy has been initiated, this opportunity has been lost, causing consequent territorial struggles.
The current refugee crisis in Europe, with millions of people trying to go beyond the borders by sea and land, is a phenomenon not only affecting the “old continent”, but all the world.
It’s a common opinion among sociologists and humanitarian working with refugees that, for a better integration, attention should be addressed on population movements and the efforts focused on helping cities better absorb immigrant flows. Rather we could try to remove the "barriers", physical or immaterial, that prevent refugees from moving and integrating. Furthermore, the cultures from which the refugees come and the traditions to which they are accustomed are punctuated, more than in Europe, by daily phases dedicated to personal spirituality, living the sacredness in a clear difference respect to Western man. These differences lead to highlight disputes and difficulties, especially in the first aid places, where they experience a very harsh experience.
To identify a space of prayer and where to be reunited with the relatives who before them have undertaken the same journey, would bring tranquility inside the border places where they are "relegated". This space can also be thought out of the refugee camps, but it must not become a new form of ghetto. Therefore we must consider a place where even local and neighboring communities can take part in the time and life of these new and temporary guests, in order to cancel or alleviate the long waiting, without acting in the refugee camps that leads to the disintegration of the individual as a human being.