Object of study
In this piece of work, the object of study is an analysis of space its self and how it has been created in today’s society, through the eyes of Jacques Tati in his movie “Playtime”. A further analysis of how this ‘new’ architecture affects the public’s everyday lives, their workspaces and even their relationships with one another is of great importance. Jacque Tati with his own unique manner of processing the picture, the sound, colours and settings, is trying to impart his ideas and critique this new way of life.
Case study methodology
The methodological approach that will follow is based on the case study mentioned above. Accordingly, an in-depth study and a detailed analysis of the movie “Playtime”, directed and filmed by Jacques Tati in 1967, will be of great importance. This analysis’ main aim is to look at key aspects of space as a subject of study and the way it has been created based on today’s idea of modern architecture. The spaces created in the movie will be analyzed not only as graphic designs of plans but also as spaces consisted of colour and the way it has been presented, what types of sound one may capture (and how this sound is perceived), the way people move in each space and the relationships developed between them.