The modern metropolis constituted already from the precocious period of modernism a field for artistic inspiration.The radical changes in the definition and in the use of public space, stimulated the creation of practices that does not face the metropolis only as the backround of everyday life, but founds a vividly space with creative dynamics. In this wprk of paper we will examine the artistic practices from certain theatrical teams that treat the urban space as actor or as setting - background and release at the same time a new glance in the urban space. Project System Kirchner from the team Hygiene Heute, Stadtraum from their Redpark, Call Cutta and Sonde Hannover from the team of Rimini Protokoll familiarize the space of the city and handle citys particularities, in order to make the city protagonist. Here the space of city is something more than a simple frame. It is involved in the action and participates in the production of artistic work.
The city is often described with phrases lented from the vocabulary of theatre. The projects leave this relation between theatre and urban space to elect itself in the development of representations. In order to comprehend the relation between theatre and city, it is necessary to answer in fundamental questions concerning this two significances. For the city this means that we throw a short glance in the modern movement and more particular in term of fluid. On the establishment of term stand categories, as that of transformation, that is applied as much in the theatre, as much in the city. We examine the artistic creation that exceeds the limits of theatrical building and is installed in the public space. The search of the right optical corner emerges critical for the comprehension of urban space.