In an era where architecture, art and advertising discover new bidirectional relations, is rendered essential the collaboration of authors through a wide spectrum of specialities. This project proposes a building-hybrid that results from the coupling of the programms of an advertizing company, an exhibition space, design workshops and amphitheater. The designing and functional questions that were placed by the coupling of programs led to a united confrontation of space internally but also concerning the neighbouring buildings and the overdraft space. The routes that morph and create the united structure of the building, propose a continuous movement aiming at the parallel work and interactivity of the creative teams with the visitors.
In the effort of integration of building in the dense-layout urban web but also in the microcosm of the overdraft spaces and neighbouring buildings, is proposed the placement of building in distance of 3 meters internally from the limits of the plot, while as another network of voids that result from the morphing of volumes create the lame structure of the building in bidirectional viewings between the street, the building and the overdraft space.
The proposal for the creation of a building for accommodation of installations for autonomous creative teams is placed in a empty plot 700sq.m roughly, in Kriezotou str. in the center of Athens. In the ground floor we have the reception and the beginning of the ramp that functions as an exhibition space. In the underground level that can be visited from the central stairwell and the lift, are the amphitheater, the cafeteria and auxiliary spaces. In the first floor and mid -level the ramps lare eading to the basic exhibition space, while also there are cafeteria and auxiliary spaces.In the second level and mid-level are placed one workshop space, rest area, an internal garden and a auxiliary space, while in the third level we have the secretary office ,a second workshop and space of rest and auxiliary space.In the fourth and last level there is the brainstorming room and auxiliary space.
The vertical holder elements constitute pieces of corridors of building, being lame as “wells” they link in level of viewing, support the levels and simultaneously provide natural lighting in the space. The role of this hybrid building in the city is to provide the infrastructure for the operation of creative teams that emanates from a wide spectrum of specialities as architects, artists, advertisers, commercial artists, fashion designers and other that might work collective. Simultaneously the visitor can pass progressively deeper in the operation of the building-program beginning from the exhibition space, continuing in workshops and ending in the brainstorming room, the space of idea-making.The operation of program is founded also the voluntary attendance of visitor lending thus the element of interactivity and attendance.