Architectural design has always seen nature as a source of inspiration and knowledge for drawing ideas. Many forms, shapes and mechanisms that can be found in various plants, animals and living species have been the inspiration in designing projects with impressive features at a morphological and functional level. This thesis aims at studying the relation between nature and architecture, as well as finding the ways and strategies in which nature’s elements are transferred to an architectural design. Thus, it is attempted to explore and also separate the architectural approaches that make this transfer, with particular emphasis on the clarification of their definitions, their basic conceptual principles and the differences between them. More specifically, the research aims at analyzing and observing organic architecture which pursues the harmonization of the construction with landscape, biomorphic architecture which is based on the morphological imitation of the natural world and the biomimetic architecture, that simulates the principles governing the functions and the mechanisms of nature to the architectural design. At the same time, elements relating to the origin and evolution of the above mentioned architectural approaches will be examined, as well as the way in which these approaches incorporate nature into the design. Throughout the research, the questions that are generated while the concepts are thoroughly analyzed, are answered through presenting the research’s results.