The imprinting constituted and constitutes one of the first steps in architectural design. The architectural imprinting consists of a set of processes designed to illustrate the results of measurements and the design of an existing building or area or monument, documenting correctly the dimensions and the morphological, structural, decorative characteristics. The process follows the principles of descriptive geometry. The purpose of the imprinting is the representation of reality. From the sketch, the drawing, the first forms of capture, that the observer’s personal identity and style determines the result, until today, and the use of technological achievements in the representation of existed architecture without the subjective glance of the architect.
The use of first technological findings, the photography, the computers and others, opens new paths to the process of imprinting. Modern technology in the process of imprinting service offers the three-dimensional scanners, digital imprinting machines capable of recording large-volume information with high precision in a short time. Digital imprinting transfers structured data, information accurate and ready to be processed in order to assist effectively at the recording and representation of the architecture.
The dominance of the three-dimensional representation of the architecture is a continuous revolution, a phenomenon which presents peak in recent decades. Given the evolution and the expansion of the image reproduction media, it is characteristic that today the three-dimensional architectural representations are a necessity for the approach and understanding of existed architecture. But as, by definition and in defiance of technology, the absolute identification of representation-reality is impossible, we content with a capable approach to reality through representation, because the result of imprinting is never the space itself, but somehow, the reflection of our attitude.