Subject of the research text is the architectural space in five animated movies , produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Specifically the five case studies are: A Bug's Life (1998), directed by John Lasseter , Monsters, Inc. (2001) directed by Pete Docter, The Incredibles (2004), directed by Brad Bird, Ratatouille (2007), directed also by Brad Bird and WALL • E (2008), directed by Andrew Stanton. We try to focus on the architectural elements and the significations of the constructed environments that are depicted. In each of these examples we analyze the architectural space, which in each case is digitally produced by the creators. Besides we attempt a second approach of these films, identifying and commenting on issues arising through the narrative in every film, such as the dipole between countryside and city, the urban diversity, the lifestyle in the suburbs, the strolling and wandering through the city and the dystopia of the future.