The subject of this research is the clarification of the concept of dystopia through the investigation of anti-utopian city in science fiction. Science Fiction constitutes the field through which we will attempt to talk about urban dystopia. The six texts selected, offer the consideration scope in which science fiction is the source of research potentialsfor the current urban situation. They function as mediating tools in the dialogue between science and humanity studies, such as architecture. These six stories refer to ideas or explore issues related to space, its form and functions, within specific historical and social circumstances.
Since the dominance of the modern movement, a series of technological advances began to exist. The fascinating representation of the new spaces, the emerging lifestyles and the different urban conditions of life fuelled new forms of expression in all expressive fields- visual art, film, literature- and created the conditions for the emergence of what is called science fiction.
The ideology of the modern movement, which promoted the city as a symbol of a better future, not only couldn’t cure the problems of the society with all the available technologies, but often itself was responsible for their creation and expansion, making the utopia an elusive and unfulfilled dream. The last thirty years specific urban spaces were turned into the “theatres” of the worst inequalities, if not pure ungovernability, in such extend that the Anglo-Saxon literature adopted the term "dystopia" for capturing the urban inequality and the crisis of “the right to the city”.
A dystopia is a fictional society, usually placed in the future, when the conditions of life are extremely bad due to deprivation, oppression or terror. Science fiction, its post-apocalyptic sub genre and cyberpunk, often are being characterized as dystopian. Sociologists, especially the postmodern ones, use the term «dystopian» to condemn the trends of the post industrial society that they think as negative. The dystopian scenarios are often written as warnings, or as satires, showing the current trends that extend to a nightmarish conclusion.
Through the reading of sci-fi novels, which show scenarios of future cities, conclusions and comments were produced. The categorization is based on the change that the urban environment has gone through and the way that produces the adverse conditions the citizens experience. That concludes in the making of the three urban types: the cities in crisis- transition, the cities in emergency and the cities that are desolated. Each one of the three urban types that we created, uses as the source of data and analysis field, a modern novel, written in the last decade, and one of the decades of 1950 - 1960, the so called "golden age" of science fiction.
The cities in crisis- transition are ordinary, on earth, that exist or not, but are still familiar, since they are possible, subsequent pictures of nowadays cities based on information of the present or past societies. Examples of this kind of cities where found in the books: "The Clockwork Girl", 2009 by P. Bacigalupi and "1984", 1949 by G. Orwell.
The cities in emergency are spaces that are converted into refuge either spontaneously in the moment of the emergency or are built initially as shelters. Such underground cities are described in "The penultimate truth" 1964 by Ph. K. Dick and “Metro 2033”, 2005 by Glukhovsky D.
The cities in devastation were investigated through the texts «The flood», 1962 by JGBallard and «road», 2007 by Mc Carthy .They fragments of the past urban condition have been incorporated into the landscape. Here although the material retains the memories of a bygone status the city functions requiring the human presence are absent.
The analysis of the three types has exported the general followingconclusions. Every dysphoric case will produce some new positive situations, even if they only take place in the mind of the hero, the society or the city. The production of something will generate also its negative. Dystopia coexists with utopia in some form. Disaster is likely to be the beginning of an evolution. The initial subject of research was the concept of dystopia that was realized by definition to be intertwined with the one of utopia. We found that the relationship is not only antithetical but coexist in each scenario in fair proportion.
The city of dystopia is a place of constant struggle for improvement, and this fact brings competing concepts close (smooth- striated space, dystopia-utopia). The dystopian state in these scenarios is the given situation of the city, the "smoothness", using the term of the theory “The striated and the smooth”, Deleuze. The Utopian elements that are identified are the surprises, the unexpected folds in the normal state, i.e. the aspects.