During these decades, afterthe end of the Second World War and the social, economic and political changes that followed it, there wereunprecedented needs to build new cities from scratch.The architects of thattime were not limited to the reconstruction of the older models of cities, but imagined new cities, with a strong presence of technology, which referred to a completely different future. These proposals have questioned the very concept of the city itself, as was perceivedby then. The mentioned projects becamethe basic modelfor many modern and sophisticated cities. Since then, these cities became reference points for every project that addresses the future.
The aim of this thesisis the analysis and presentation of the most significantones, selected based on their common characteristics in terms of form, social approach and theirinfluence to architecture in general. The ideasof Metabolism, Archigram, Superstudio, Archizoom, TakisZenetosand Constantine Doxiadis, but also of Frei Otto and others, arepresented in a new scope. This study tries to compare and criticisethe general views of that period oftime and some mutualpoints of the proposals. It should be highlighted that most of the teams and designers that were presented, have worked on a variety of subjects, but the cities of the future and the personal approach of each one,is the key point that connects all of them.